Ally Challenge Raises Record Amount for Local Charities
The Ally Challenge presented by McLaren announced Thursday that the second annual PGA Tour Champions event has raised a record $1,524,787...

Cline, Cline & Griffin, P.C. and Paul Vance Receive Awards from the MDTC
Paul Vance received the Distinguished Service Award and Volunteer of the Year Award and Cline Cline & Griffin, PC received the...
Employment Policies and Procedures: Whistleblower Claims
Whether you have just a handful of employees or a staff of over thirty, your medical practice, just like any other corporate entity, can...

Paul Vance Speaks at Michigan State University
Paul Vance recently spoke to group of Michigan State University freshman student-athletes on how to maximize their college experience for...
Responding to Allegations of Workplace Discrimination and/or Harassment
Allegations of workplace harassment have swept the working world. Now, more than ever, it is essential to have a trusted employment...
What you need to know: Guardianships & Conservatorships
When an individual loses their ability to make their own decisions regarding their personal and financial affairs, Michigan law allows...