As of July 19, 2017, Brandon K. Wagner is now certified to provide legal advice and file claims to the VA, as well as advise clients on...
Mental Capacity from a Lawyer's Perspective
A lawyer cannot ignore signs of diminished capacity. Failing to recognize incompetence in a client can bring disastrous results, not only...
Flint's Toughest Pitch: We're Open for Business
Considered to be the birthplace of General Motors, Flint is a city that is ready to start the second part of it's story. The city has...
Physician's Assistant Practice Agreement: Do We Really Have to Have These?
If you are a PA or work with a PA, do you really need to have a written practice agreement? The answer is a resounding YES. The new law...
Medical Malpractice Damage Caps Always Changing
“The only thing that stays the same is everything changes.” - Bobby Braddock Like many states, Michigan “caps” or limits the maximum...
Contracts 101
Contracts have worked their way into almost every aspect of our lives. Every time you click on the word “AGREE”, you have accepted the...