José Brown Is Named A Recipient of the MDTC Excellence in Defense Award
Congratulations to José Brown on receiving the 2024 Michigan Defense Trial Counsel Excellence in Defense Award! We will be celebrating...
J. Brian MacDonald has been named a “Go To Lawyer” for Medical Malpractice
We are pleased to announce that J. Brian MacDonald was named a “Go To Lawyer” for Medical Malpractice in Michigan Lawyers Weekly. The “Go...
Employment Policies and Procedures: Whistleblower Claims
Whether you have just a handful of employees or a staff of over thirty, your medical practice, just like any other corporate entity, can...
What Happens if You Do Not Have An Estate Plan
At some point in time, it becomes important for everyone to have an estate plan. That time is before you really need one. If, however,...
Cline, Cline & Griffin Welcomes it's Newest Partner
As of January 1, 2019, R. Paul Vance is a partner at Cline, Cline & Griffin, P.C.. Please join us in congratulating him!
New Addition to the Team!
Please join us in welcoming Attorney Eric M. Froats to the firm! He will officially join Cline, Cline and Griffin, P.C. on November 1, 2018.

Michigan Defense Quarterly: Meet the MDTC Leaders
A key component of MDTC’s mission is facilitating the exchange of views, knowledge, and insight that our members have obtained through...